Codex Cosmi
Codex Cosmi is a quasiencyclopædia (something sort of an
encyclopædia). It is not supposed to replace Wikipedia or
other Internet encyclopædiae (although there are some
incorrect or at least dubious statements on the Wikipedia pages).
One important, if not the most important reason for the existence
of these pages is to serve as a target I can refer to in my other
texts and in my teaching.
I am Dr Rami Rekola, PhD, FRAS, professional astronomer and an
education oriented entrepreneur. At least while writing this
I also serve as the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Science
Outreach Network representative for Finland. You can access my
home page by clicking the RR logo on the lower left corner of these
pages and to my company web pages by clicking the Astromatkat logo.
I have had similar pages for a very long time.
However, now I am transferring the old Encyclopædia Galactica
under this new name. One reason is that the old pages are
technically quite inconvenient to maintain. The main reason,
however, is that as a name Encyclopædia Galactica is way too
common. Currently there are no other Codex Cosmi pages, so web
searches will be more efficient and these pages are more
Oh, what on earth is Codex Cosmi? Naturally it is Latin and
means roughly "the encyclopædia of the universe".
Should you find errors on the Codex Cosmi pages, feel free to
contact me by sending the error (remember to tell also the title
of the article) to address
CodexCosmi <ät> gmail.com. You are also welcome
to send wishes for the future updates of the pages. Some wishes
may actually come true.
I hope you enjoy your visit to these pages!
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