Tuorlan Astronomical Society and Tuorla Observatory organized an open
house day at Tuorla Observatory on Saturday 15 May 2004. The observatory
was open for public from 10 am until 4 pm.
- at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00 the history, research and activities of
Tuorla Observatory were presented in the observatory seminar room
- a guide presented the workings of telescopes at each of them
- wonders of the night sky were presented several times through the
day at the transferrable planetarium of Ursa Astronomical Association
- children were provided with special programme at a specific site
- at 12:00: Leena Tähtinen "Marsin vesi kuohuttaa"
(Frothing over the water on Mars)
- at 14:00: Rami Rekola "Mitä uutta Suomen jäsenyys
Euroopan eteläisessä observatoriossa ESO:ssa tuo Tuorlalle" (What new will
Finland's membership in European Southern Observatory
ESO bring to Tuorla)
Our sales junction presented e.g. telescopes and books from
StellKronos Oy and Ursa Astronomical Association for sale or ordering
at special prices.