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Preparations for the ceremony.

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Dr David Jauncey (Australian Telescope National Facility) and Dr
Martin George (curator of Queen Victoria Museum in Tasmania).

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Finnish Broadcasting Company reporter interviewed Jauncey and George.
Also professor Esko Valtaoja made an appearance.

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Jauncey hands over ashes to Valtaoja.

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Valtaoja receives ashes from Jauncey.

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Highly interested reporters and astronomers.

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Jauncey told the audience about Reber's life work.

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Reber was an individualist.

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The audience is spellbound by the interesting presentation.

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Jauncey showed also the Metsähovi radio telescope.

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The audience is still spellbound by the interesting presentation.

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Jauncey told of the importance of Reber's work to radio astronomy.

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The audience is constantly spellbound by the interesting presentation.

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George told of Reber as a person and a friend.

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Valtaoja told how Tuorla Observatory is connected to Reber.

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The document that came with the ashes.

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A metal container that comprises the ashes.